The Pied Piper

Original Post: 24 October 2013
Posted Here: 30 November 2017

Although the recent attempts of the smootrats in Congress to destroy the American and world economies as well as their attempts to prevent your friends, relatives, and neighbors from obtaining affordable health care insurance were no laughing matter, they reminded me of one of my favorite jokes. It goes something like this:

An American tourist was traveling through the German city of Hamelin and desired to take home a souvenir to remind him of his visit. He stopped in a little antique shop hoping to find something interesting. A brass rat caught his attention and he asked the proprietor about its price.

"The price of the figurine is $25. If you'd like the story that goes with it, the price is $100."

"What's the story?" the tourist asked.

"That's what costs the extra $75."

The tourist thought for a few minutes, then said, "I think I'll just take the rat."

"Suit yourself," the proprietor said. "But I think you will end up wanting the story, too."

Brass Rat

"Just the rat, thank you."

The proprietor wrapped the figurine and the tourist left the store. He hadn't gone far when he heard something behind him. He looked around and saw several rats following him. He kept walking. When he looked back again, even more rats were running down the sidewalk. He walked faster.

The faster he walked and the further he went from the shop, the more rats he found behind him. He began to run, only to find even more rats pursuing him. He was gasping for breath when he came to a bridge over the Weser River. At the middle of the bridge, he looked back. The tide of rats were still coming.

He turned toward the river, ripped open the wrapping paper, and threw the brass rat as far as he could out over the water. To his amazement, and relief, the rats all ran to the edge of the bridge, tumbled into the Weser, and disappeared.

About a half hour later, the tourist once again entered the little antique shop.

The proprietor looked up, smiled, and said, "Ah, I see that you have returned for the story."

"No, sir," the tourist said. "I was wondering if you would have a brass Republican."

Keep reading/keep writing - Jack